Tkinter - Window Resize Event

Tkinter - Handle Window Resize Event

In Tkinter, you can handle the window resize event, and execute an event handler function whenever window resizes.

Tkinter - Window Resize Event
Print updated size of window on resize event

To handle the window resize event in Tkinter, bind the <Configure> event to the Tk window, and specify the event handler function.

window.bind("<Configure>", on_window_resize)


  • window is the Tk window object.
  • on_window_resize is the event handler function.

And the event handler function is as shown in the following.

def on_window_resize(event):
    width = event.width
    height = event.height
    print(f"Window resized to {width}x{height}")

As in the above code, we can access the width and height of the window through event object.

Please note that the <Configure> event is triggered when the configuration of the window changes, like change in the width, height, position, etc.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to handle the window resize event in Tkinter with an event handler function using bind() method, with an example program.


Consider a simple use case where you have a Tk window, and you would like to print the updated width and height of the window in the standard console output whenever the window resize happens.

Python Program

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import font

def on_window_resize(event):
    width = event.width
    height = event.height
    print(f"Window resized to {width}x{height}")

# Create the main window
window = tk.Tk()

# Bind the resize event to a function
window.bind("<Configure>", on_window_resize)

# Run the application

Output in Windows

Output in MacOS

Tkinter - Window Resize Event - Example
Example Tkinter Window with Resize event bind to a function

Try to resize the window, and you would see the updated size printed to output in the Terminal, as shown in the following screenshot.

Tkinter - Window Resize Event
Terminal Output - Print updated size of window on resize event


In this Python Tkinter tutorial, we learned how to handle the window resize event in Tkinter, with examples.

Python Libraries