Tkinter Label - On Click Event

Tkinter Label - On click event

In Tkinter, you can bind a click event to a Label widget using the bind() method.

To execute a function when user clicks on a Label widget in Tkinter, create a Label widget and define a callback function, then bind the mouse left-click event to the label object with the event handler function.

Tkinter Label - On click event
Tkinter - Execute a function when clicked on a Label widget

The syntax to bind the mouse left-click event to the label object to execute a function label_clicked is shown in the following.

label.bind("<Button-1>", label_clicked)

where <Button-1> specifies the mouse left-click event.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to set a event handler function for mouse click event on a Label widget in Tkinter, with examples.


1. Print a message when Label widget is clicked

In this example, we shall create a Label widget label with some text, and bind this label object to a mouse left-click event with a function label_clicked. In the callback function, we shall print the message Label clicked!.


import tkinter as tk

# Event handler function for the label click
def label_clicked(event):
    print("Label clicked!")

# Create the main window
window = tk.Tk()

# Create a label widget
label = tk.Label(window, text="Hello World!")

# Bind the click event to the label
label.bind("<Button-1>", label_clicked)

# Pack the label widget to display it

# Run the application


Run on Windows 10.

Run on MacOS.

Tkinter Label - Make a click

Click on the Hello World! label.

Tkinter Label - On click event handler function is called


In this Python Tkinter tutorial, we learned how to execute a function when user clicks on a Label widget, with examples.

Python Libraries