Tkinter Entry - Placeholder

Tkinter - Placeholder for Entry widget

In Tkinter, there is no support for placeholder by default. You can add a placeholder with some additional code.

To display a placeholder in an Entry widget, we define two functions. The first function is called when the Entry widget gets focus. The second function is called when the Entry widget is out of focus.

When the Entry widget has no focus, the display a value in the Entry widget, the placeholder value, with color of the text set to gray.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder

When the Entry widget has no focus, and if the text in the Entry widget is equal to the placeholder value, then we shall empty the Entry field, and set the text color to black.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - When Focussed
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - When Focussed

And then the user enter the input value.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - After entering a value
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - After entering a value

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a placeholder to an Entry widget in Tkinter, with examples.


1. Add placeholder to Entry widget

In this example, we create a basic Tk window with an Entry widget. We shall define those two functions we mentioned above. Then we shall bind the Entry widget with the focus-in and focus-out events, and add the respective functions as event handler functions. This is how we add a Placeholder to the Entry widget.

Python Program

import tkinter as tk

# Create the main window
window = tk.Tk()

# Function to handle the Entry widget focus events
def on_entry_focus_in(event):
    if entry.get() == placeholder_text:
        entry.delete(0, tk.END)

def on_entry_focus_out(event):
    if entry.get() == "":
        entry.insert(0, placeholder_text)

# Create an Entry widget with placeholder text
placeholder_text = "Enter your input.."
entry = tk.Entry(window, fg="gray")
entry.insert(0, placeholder_text)
entry.bind("<FocusIn>", on_entry_focus_in)
entry.bind("<FocusOut>", on_entry_focus_out)

# Run the application


In Windows

In MacOS

Run the program. The Entry field is displayed with Placeholder.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder

Click on the Entry widget. The focus-in event is triggered.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - When Focussed
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - When Focussed

You may enter some value into the Entry widget.

Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - After entering a value
Tkinter Entry with Placeholder - After entering a value


In this Python Tkinter tutorial, we have shown how to add a Placeholder to an Entry field in Tkinter, with examples.

Python Libraries