Python - Replace Character at Specific Index in String

Python - Replace Character at Specific Index in String

To replace a character at a specific index in a string, Python provides an efficient way using slicing, or you can use alternative methods like converting the string into a list. Since strings are immutable in Python, these methods effectively create a new string.

string = string[:position] + character + string[position+1:]


  • string[:position]: Substring up to but not including the specified index.
  • character: The new character to be inserted.
  • string[position+1:]: Substring from the next character after the index to the end.


1. Replace character at a given index using slicing

In the following example, we replace the character at index=6 with e.

Python Program

string = 'pythonhxamples'
position = 6
new_character = 'e'

string = string[:position] + new_character + string[position+1:]


  1. Initially, string = 'pythonhxamples'.
  2. string[:position]: Extracts the substring 'python'.
  3. new_character = 'e': The character to be inserted.
  4. string[position+1:]: Extracts the substring 'xamples' starting from index 7.
  5. The final string is formed by concatenating these parts: 'python' + 'e' + 'xamples'.



2. Replace character at a given index using a list

This example demonstrates replacing a character by converting the string into a list, modifying the element, and then joining the list back into a string.

Python Program

string = 'pythonhxamples'
position = 6
new_character = 'e'

temp = list(string)
temp[position] = new_character
string = "".join(temp)



  1. The string is converted into a list using list(string), so it can be modified.
  2. temp[position] = new_character: Replaces the element at index 6 with 'e'.
  3. "".join(temp): Combines the list back into a string.
  4. The final string is 'pythonexamples'.



3. Replace multiple characters at specific indices

You can replace multiple characters in a string at specified indices by looping through the indices.

Python Program

string = 'pythonhxamples'
replacements = {6: 'e', 8: 'E'}

string = ''.join(
    replacements[i] if i in replacements else char 
    for i, char in enumerate(string)



  1. The dictionary replacements maps indices to the characters to be replaced.
  2. The enumerate(string) function iterates over the string with index and character.
  3. replacements[i] if i in replacements: Replaces the character if the index is in the dictionary; otherwise, keeps the original character.
  4. The result is joined into a new string using ''.join().



4. Replace character at a specific index in a multiline string

This example shows replacing a character in a specific line of a multiline string.

Python Program

string = """Python examples
are really helpful.
Let's learn Python."""

line_number = 1
position = 5
new_character = 'E'

lines = string.split('\n')
lines[line_number] = (
    lines[line_number][:position] + new_character + lines[line_number][position+1:]
string = '\n'.join(lines)



  1. The string is split into lines using split('\n').
  2. lines[line_number][:position] + new_character + lines[line_number][position+1:]: Replaces the character at the specified position in the selected line.
  3. '\n'.join(lines): Combines the lines back into a multiline string.


Python examples
are rEally helpful.
Let's learn Python.


In this tutorial, we explored multiple ways to replace a character at a specific index in a string:

  • Using string slicing.
  • Converting the string to a list.
  • Replacing multiple characters at specified indices.
  • Replacing characters in multiline strings.

Each method is useful depending on the complexity and requirements of the task.

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