Python Pillow - Enhance Edges of Image

Pillow - Enhance edges of image

We can enhance the edges of an image in Pillow, by calling PIL.Image.filter() function on the given image and passing the predefined filter PIL.ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE.

Python Pillow - Edge Enhance filter for image

Steps to enhance edges of an image

Follow these steps to enhance the edges of a given image.

  1. Import Image, and ImageFilter modules from Pillow library.
  2. Read input image using function.
  3. Call filter() function on the read Image object and pass ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE as argument to the function, or if you want more of this, then you may pass ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE. The function returns edge enhanced image as PIL.Image.Image object.
  4. Save the resulting image to required location, or you may process the image further.


1. Enhance edges using ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE

In the following example, we read an image test_image.jpg into an Image object. Then, we enhance the edges of this image using Image.filter() function and ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE filter.

We save the resulting image to a file enhanced_image.jpg.

Python Program

from PIL import Image, ImageFilter

# Open the image
image ="test_image.jpg")

# Apply edge enhancement filter on the image
enhanced_image = image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE)

# Save the enhanced image"enhanced_image.jpg")

Original Image [test_image.jpg]

Python Pillow - Edge Enhance filter - input image

Output Image [enhanced_image.jpg]

Python Pillow - Edge Enhance filter - output image

2. Enhance edges using ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE

In the following example, we read an image test_image.jpg into an Image object. Then, we enhance the edges of this image using Image.filter() function and ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE filter.

We save the resulting image to a file enhanced_image.jpg.

Python Program

from PIL import Image, ImageFilter

# Open the image
image ="test_image.jpg")

# Apply edge enhancement filter on the image
enhanced_image = image.filter(ImageFilter.EDGE_ENHANCE_MORE)

# Save the enhanced image"enhanced_image.jpg")

Original Image [test_image.jpg]

Python Pillow - More Edge Enhance filter - input image

Output Image [enhanced_image.jpg]

Python Pillow - More Edge Enhance filter - output image


In this Python Pillow Tutorial, we learned how to enhance the edges of given image using PIL.Image.filter() function, with the help of examples.

Python Libraries