How to Get the Nth Character in a String in Python

Get Nth Character in String

Given a string myStr, we need to extract the character at a specific position, referred to as the Nth character.

To get the Nth character from a string in Python, we can use indexing. Indexing in Python starts at 0, so the first character is at position 0, the second at position 1, and so on. To retrieve the Nth character, you need to access the character at index n-1.


The syntax of the expression to get the Nth character from string myStr is:


Here, n is the position of the character (1-based index) to retrieve. Remember that indexing starts at 0.


In the following program, we take a string in myStr and extract the third character (position 3, index 2).

Python Program

myStr = 'apple'
position = 3  # Third character (1-based position)
index = position - 1  # Convert to 0-based index
output = myStr[index]

print(f'Input String : {myStr}')
print(f'Character at Position {position} : {output}')


Input String : apple
Character at Position 3 : p


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to extract the Nth character from a string using indexing. When accessing the Nth character, convert the position to a 0-based index by subtracting 1 from n.

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