Find Characters in First String that are not Present in Second String

Find Characters in First String and not Present in Second String

To find the characters in a String that are not present in another string, create sets using the given strings, use Difference Operator (-) and pass the two sets as operands to the Difference Operator.

Given two strings: str1, and str2; the expression to find the unique characters that are present only in string str1 but not in string str2 is

set(str1) - set(str2)


In the following example, we take two strings in str1 and str2, and find the characters that are present only in str1 and not in str2.

Python Program

set1 = set('apple')
set2 = set('banana')
output = set1 - set2


{'e', 'l', 'p'}


In this tutorial of Python Examples, we learned how to find the characters that are present only in the first string, but not in the second string.

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